Catechue and Catechue Tannin:
Catechu is the Latin name of Khair/Kattha. Its English equivalent is Cutch or Gambier. From very ancient times Khair was prepared in India and used in Medicine, in fishing net & its vast use in leather industries. It’s also used in mud drilling. Black Cutch or Catechu is the source of the most important brown dies and is obtain from the heartwood of Acacia Catechu a tree of India.
Catechu is marketed in various forms and varying purity, Catechu extract actually consists of two substances the highly soluble portion called Cutch/tannin and less soluble portion cammed Kattha. The term Kattha includes all solidified extract of Khair wood, crude or refined. Market recognizes two various the white Kattha or Catechu and the dark Kattha is called Cutch./Catechu Tannin. Kattha contains a large portion of Catechu; while cutch consists of non-crystalline Tannins. Kattha is commonly sold as small blocks or tablets of about 50mm square and of a range of think ness from 5mm to 50mm. Its major use is as an adjunct of pan masala & medicine Cutch occurs in various forms based on tradition and the consumer fancy. for the industrial use it is packed in 40-50 kg bags or blocks, solid or powder.